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Sustainability in Industrial Cleaning Solutions

Written by Geicos group
il 24 June, 2024

In the modern industrial landscape, sustainability is a crucial component for companies seeking to improve operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Today you have innovative and very accessible solutions available to meet your industrial cleaning needs.

In this article we explore sustainable technologies and environmental benefits; we also delve into industrial cleaning practices that can contribute to a greener future, with particular attention to eco-friendly industrial parts washers.


Sustainable technologies for industrial washing

Eco-friendly technologies for washing industrial products are designed to reduce the consumption of natural resources and minimize pollution. These technologies include:

  • Water recycling systems: Modern industrial parts washers can be equipped with water recycling systems that allow water to be reused during the cleaning process. This significantly reduces water consumption and costs associated with wastewater management;
  • Biodegradable cleaners: Using biodegradable, non-toxic cleaners is a key practice for sustainability. These cleaners are effective in removing dirt and oils without harming the environment, as they decompose quickly without leaving harmful residues;
  • Energy from renewable sources: the integration of renewable energy to power parts washing machines reduces dependence on fossil fuels and reduces CO₂ emissions. If you install solar panels, for example, you can take advantage of solar energy, also reducing your energy costs.



Environmental benefits

Adopting sustainable practices in industrial cleaning brings numerous environmental benefits, including:

  • Reduction of CO₂ emissions: the use of renewable energy and the energy efficiency of new machinery contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions. This helps companies decrease their carbon footprint;
  • Conservation of water resources: Water recycling systems and the use of eco-friendly detergents reduce the consumption of drinking water. Water conservation is crucial in an era where water scarcity is a growing concern globally;
  • Less pollution: The use of less polluting technologies and chemical products reduces the release of harmful substances into the environment. This helps improve air and water quality, protecting local ecosystems and people's health.


Innovations and new perspectives

We already talked some time ago about some concrete solutions to improve sustainability in the parts washing machine sector. To these we can add trends and innovations that we see coming on the horizon and which could soon make this sector even more efficientg.

Industrial washing process for small mechanical parts (minuteria). The image shows small metal components being cleaned with high-pressure water

First, integrating AI-supported automation into industrial cleaning systems can optimize processes and further reduce waste. For example, smart sensors can monitor water quality and trigger recycling only when needed, improving efficiency.

Added to this are the continuous studies on the materials. For its parts washing machines Geicos already uses stainless steel, which represents the standard for resistance and sustainability, but in the future new solutions on raw materials could arrive, capable of further reducing the need for new resources and industrial waste.

Beyond the innovations we may see in the future, it is important to identify what can be done in the present. An often overlooked but critically important aspect is staff training and awareness.Educating employees on sustainable practices and the benefits of eco-friendly technologies is essential to maximizing the effectiveness of the solutions adopted. Training programs and workshops can raise staff awareness of the importance of sustainability.


Parts washer for sustainable industrial cleaning

For your cleaning needs, we offer you some particularly high-performance parts washing machines in the field of industrial sustainability:

  • If you are looking for a parts washer based on heated water, you can opt for the HP compact, which allows you to leave the parts to soak and obtain a more effective wash with less water;
  • For degreasing small parts we recommend a cold manual parts washer. In this case, the Top Framewash 900 allows the manual washing of pieces with the use of a brush, guaranteeing greater precision and less waste;
  • High pressure washing is useful when your components are particularly contaminated and need a more thorough cleaning. We recommend the Top HP 110, ideal for manually washing small and medium-sized parts;
  • Last, if you prefer to automate your washing process, you could opt for the Washer 1150 X.



Benefits of sustainability for your business

Sustainability in industrial cleaning solutions is not just a trend, but a necessity for companies that want to remain competitive and responsible. It is precisely to support these companies that we continue to innovate and introduce eco-friendly technologies into our industrial parts washers, offering solutions that not only improve operational efficiency, but also contribute to protecting the environment

Investing in sustainable practices is not only a benefit for the planet, but also for business, because it reduces operating costs, improves corporate image and opens up new market opportunities. The road to a greener future passes through the adoption of advanced technologies, obtaining green certifications and continuous staff training.